Butternut Squash Recipes That Taste Great

From butternut squash soup to butternut squash curry, this tasty ingredient can be put to many different uses in the kitchen. Either on the side or as the main ingredient in a veggie dish, there are plenty of great recipes featuring butternut squash.

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How to cook butternut squash

There are plenty of recipes that call for the use of fresh butternut squash, such as this butternut squash and mushroom curry recipe. Whichever recipe you choose, before cooking your squash, remember that the seeds inside will need to be removed first. To do so, simply cut your butternut squash down the middle from end to end and then scoop them out with a spoon. Here’s what you’ll need to do next:
  1. Step one: With your butternut squash halved and devoid of seeds, place each half flat-side down on a chopping board. Cut it into sections of about 2 cm width or thicker, if you prefer.
  2. Step two: Each of your sections should form a semi-circular C-shape, formed by the cavity where the seeds had been. You can take each section in turn and use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. Although you can cook squashes with their skin intact, they are tough and best removed.
  3. Step three: Cut your de-seeded and skinless butternut squash into chunks or batons, ready for cooking. The smaller the pieces, the less cooking time you will need.
  4. Step four: Now, place your butternut squash pieces onto a baking tray. Add some seasoning and a little oil. You can also add some garlic to taste if, for instance, you’re preparing a vegetarian garlic recipe. Heat your oven to 200°C and cook for 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of your pieces.
  5. Step five: Remove from the oven and serve.
Alternative cooking method: After cutting your butternut squash to size, you can either boil or steam it instead of roasting it. This is ideal if your vegetarian meal plan requires you to add squash to a stew or casserole. This spiced butternut squash stew recipe is a good example of a tasty dish with roasted squash.
Butternut squash is used in numerous recipes that are popular among all age groups and food preferences. Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly meal, a romantic dinner for two, or a vegetarian option for a busy weeknight, these are some of the most popular recipes you can cook.

Lentil shepherd's pie with butternut squash topping: This popular vegetarian shepherd’s pie recipe uses lentils in place of minced lamb. For the pie’s topping, you will need a whole, diced butternut squash. However, you could adapt it using a mix of squash and sweet potato.

Butternut squash risotto with chilli and cheese: This particular butternut squash risotto recipe is under 650 calories, a good choice if you are watching your dietary intake. Although the recipe calls for risotto rice, you could make it with long-grain rice instead.

Butternut squash soup with melted blue cheese flatbread: An ever-popular dish, this butternut squash soup recipe makes for a nutritious lunchtime treat on a cold winter’s day. Alternatively, you could serve it as a starter for a more elaborate meal.

Butternut Squash Recipe FAQs

What is butternut squash?

Like all squashes, the butternut squash is a herbaceous fruit. This species is a winter squash that grows on a vine, similar to a pumpkin.

How long to roast butternut squash?

Butternut squash takes about an hour in the oven to cook through until it is soft. Heat your oven to 200°C to cook a whole butternut squash. You can reduce the cooking time by chopping your squash into smaller pieces.

How to prepare butternut squash?

Preparing a butternut squash is straightforward, and all you need to do is remove the stem and the seeds inside. Cut the stem away with a sharp knife, then chop the squash in two to reveal its seeds.

How to cut butternut squash?

Cut your butternut squash in half down the middle, from the top to the bottom. After scooping the seeds out, chop each half into several smaller sections to make ‘C’ shapes. You can then peel each section quite easily and chop the remaining fruit into bite-size chunks or batons.

Is it better to steam or boil butternut squash?

When steamed, butternut squash will typically retain more of its nutrients compared to boiling. The difference isn’t all that great, so you can use either method, depending on your personal preferences.

Do you have to peel butternut squash before cooking?

No, you don’t. The skin is edible but can be quite tough. Although not essential, many chefs will peel the skin off before cooking.

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