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Easy Pasta Recipes and Meal Ideas

If you’re looking for simple pasta recipes that you can easily whip up for a tasty midweek meal, you’ll find a wide range of options from HelloFresh. From creamy linguine to rich tomato ragu, browse the best pasta recipes below.

The Easiest Carbonara Pasta Recipe

Carbonara is one of the most popular pasta recipes, and with good reason. Traditionally made with eggs, hard cheese and pork, carbonara’s creamy sauce can be tricky to achieve as you need to get the egg consistency just right. To make things simpler, our HelloFresh carbonara pasta recipe adds crème fraiche to the traditional ingredients so that it’s easier to achieve that smooth, velvety texture. Sure, this easy way may not be the authentic Italian recipe, but it tastes just as delicious and only takes 20 minutes to make.

How to Use Pesto in Your Pasta Dishes

It’s possible to stir a few teaspoons of pesto into your pasta to act as your sauce. However, there are many other ways to make an easy pesto pasta that’s way more delicious. Why not try mixing your pesto with fresh tomatoes and tossing it in your pasta with cheese and balsamic, like in our Courgette and Tomato Rigatoni? Alternatively, make a speedy Mushroom Rigatoni by making a pasta sauce from pesto and crème fraiche. Pesto is also delicious as a drizzle, especially in tomato pasta recipes as it cuts through the acidity. If it’s quick recipes you’re looking for, opt for pesto because it packs in the flavour with little cooking and prep time.

Master the Best Tomato Pasta Recipe

Tomato pasta is a favourite among many as it’s tasty, filling and so easy to make with ingredients already in your fridge. The trick to a delicious tomato pasta is to master the sauce. Our favourite way to make a perfect tomato sauce is to mix passata, water and Worcester sauce with herbs and garlic, like in this Pork Sausage Linguine recipe. You can also amend this based on the ingredients you’re using, for example beef tomato pasta is delicious with added beef stock, while vegetarian tomato pasta is great with added cream for added indulgence. You can’t go wrong with a tasty tomato pasta recipe as it’s such an easy meal that even the fussiest of eaters can enjoy. From family recipes to vegan recipes, tomato pasta can cater to a range of diet preferences.

Pasta - FAQs

How do I cook pasta?

To cook pasta, add your dried pasta to a pan of salted boiling water and cook until ‘al dente’ for around ten minutes.

How long does pasta take to cook?

Dried pasta takes about ten minutes to cook.

Is pasta good for you?

Pasta is great food to have as part of a balanced diet as it’s a simple, high-energy food that can be easily paired with vegetables.

Can you freeze pasta?

Yes, pasta is easily freezable so you can save any leftovers. If you already know you’re planning to freeze the pasta, try making it a little more al dente than usual so it’s better reheated.

How many grams of pasta per person?

A standard amount of pasta is 60-100g per person. In our opinion however, you can never have too much pasta! So don’t be too cautious of going over.

What do I do with leftover pasta water?

Always keep some of the pasta cooking water for later use. It helps thicken the pasta sauce for a creamy consistency.

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